Call for papers: African Sign Languages Workshop at WOCAL10 [closed]

The Call for Papers is now closed.

For information about the workshop, go to the main workshop page.

WOCAL in Leiden (June 7-12, 2021) will feature the 5th consecutive workshop devoted to sign languages in Africa. Main workshop page here (programme & more info coming in early 2021)). This workshop is organized by the WOCAL Committee on African Sign Languages.

We invite abstract submission for presentations and posters on all subjects associated with sign languages of Africa. New (extended) abstract deadline: December 21st, 11:59 pm CET. To apply, see the main conference Call for Papers. Submissions in sign language on video are welcome, but to submit a video abstract, please follow the directions below. Submissions are now closed; feedback will be sent to those who submitted abstracts on or before February 15, 2021.

Instructions to submit a video abstract:

  1. Sign in to WOCAL 10 conference in EasyChair: (you must create an EasyChair account if you don’t have one)
  2. Fill in required information: name, email, country, organization, title of presentation
  3. In the Abstract box, type in: “VIDEO”
  4. In the Keywords box,
    • type in “SILA” for the African Sign Languages Workshop
    • type in your preference: “paper” or “poster”
  5. Ignore the request to upload paper/PDF.
  6. Click Submit button.
  7. Email your video abstract to:
    • Accepted languages: ASL, LSF, International Sign
    • 5 minutes or less
    • Email video by deadline: November 30, 2020 December 21st, 11:59 pm CET
  8. You will receive an email confirming that the video was received. If you do not get a confirmation, please contact us at
  9. Notification of acceptance status will be sent by January 31, 2021 February 14, 2021.

Workshop Topics

Presentations and posters will be included on topics that may include, but are not limited to:

  • descriptions of African sign languages in any linguistic domain (phonology, phonetics, prosody, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, discourse)
  • documentation, preservation, and archiving of African sign languages
  • comparison of African sign languages with other languages within and outside Africa
  • sociolinguistic variation and change in sign languages in Africa
  • first and second language acquisition of African sign languages
  • gestural repertoires in Africa
  • ethnographies of African deaf communities
  • cultural practices of deaf African individuals and communities
  • sign language and deaf education in Africa
  • language policy in African countries as it pertains to sign languages and deaf communities