

We have two options for you:

  1. Download our Word template for initial submissions. Important: Please follow the guidelines in this template to minimize the amount of work for yourself and for the editors. If your submission does not use the template as directed, the editors may point you to this page and invite you to resubmit.
  2. If you are comfortable using LaTex or want to get your feet wet using Overleaf, you can also work from the WOCAL submission template here.

We strongly recommend you use a reference manager like Zotero to manage the citations and reference list, and to allow exporting a reference list in .bib format at final submission. Here’s a simple 7 minute introduction to using Zotero in Word. If you’re using Overleaf, here’s how to integrate your Zotero account.

More details about Language Science Press and its typesetting process are here.