Registration and instructions for pre-recorded talks

Presenters will have to register and submit their pre-recorded talks by the 7th of May. Registration to WOCAL10 will be necessary to get access to the on-line talks, panels and social events during the conference.
More detailed information on how to register can be found below under WOCAL 10 registration. During the registration process it will be possible to request International Sign interpretation and indicate any other accessibility issues, read also here.
All talks need to be pre-recorded and uploaded by the 7th of May. Detailed instructions are available below under How to record your talk and How to submit your talk.

After the conference, all presenters are encouraged to upload their pre-recorded presentations to the WOCAL 10 OSF Meeting, which makes the presentation openly accessible to the public, with a permanent DOI for citation in a publication or on a CV, and the possibility of linking with presenters’ ORCID accounts. See the instructions here.

WOCAL10 registration

Registration for WOCAL10 is now open! We invite conveners, presenters and attendees to register at the following link . Conveners and presenters, please note that your name will appear on the on-line WOCAL10 programme only after you have registered! 

If you already have an account in NomadIT’s conference database, you will be recognised; if not, please create a new account. This process involves receiving an email to verify your email address, so do check your spam box if you don’t see a message within a couple of minutes of account creation. After that you should be able to log in and register.

There are two categories of registration: a free category for those colleagues who live and work in Africa (select Global South in the form); and a paying category for all others (50 EURO). If you are not in the Global South category but are eligible for an agreed waiver, please select the paying category and give details of the agreed waiver in the Special Requirements field.

Upon registration you will receive an email confirmation and if you are due to pay, you will be sent an invoice (manually) in the days after registering. You can then pay by credit card or bank transfer.

In case of problems with this process, including account creation, please write to for assistance.


Instructions for pre-recording are available at the following links:

Talks can be max 20 minutes long. In order to make presentations as fully accessible as possible to different audiences, we encourage presenters to use the WOCAL power point format available here (without the WOCAL logo) and here (with the WOCAL logo). People with low vision usually read better with high contrast (a dark background and light text is preferred). Considering that pre-recorded videos have voice-over, be aware that deaf people rely on subtitles/close captioning appearing at the bottom of the screen.  Instructions on how to add subtitles and close captioning can be found here.

If you have any issues creating a recording of your presentation, please send us an email at 


Recordings for all WOCAL 10 presentations must be submitted by May 7th, 2021.

  • You will receive an email from NomadIT (our tech support team) with a file upload link. Click the link in the email to upload your presentation recording.
  • Name the recording file using your last/family name and your presentation ID. For example, “Mous287.mp4” or “Ameka243.mp4”.
  • After selecting the file to be uploaded, you will see a progress bar on the NomadIT website. Wait until a conclusion message is displayed on this upload screen. You will not be redirected to a success page nor receive a confirmation of your upload by email, so you must confirm that the upload has been completed successfully by waiting for the message in your web browser.

If you encounter any technical issues while attempting to upload your recording, please send an email to