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Certificate of attendance

Registered participants will automatically receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the conference.

Message 29/4/2021

[version française ci-dessous]
Dear WOCAL10 participants,
Some participants indicated that they want to attract more attention to WOCAL in their universities, so we have posters! One is for printing, and one is for online distribution – feel free to use these where you see fit!
As we are writing to you, here is also a little reminder that your pre-recorded presentations are expected on the 7th of May (next week already – time flies!). 

For technical questions and registration, please contact NomadIT via; for other questions contact the organisers via

Message 8/4/2021

Dear WOCAL10 participants,
We have some exciting new information about WOCAL10!

As you know, WOCAL10 will take place entirely online. Access to the online workshops, talks, and social events requires registration (see below): you will create personal login details to access the conference interface administered by our tech support team, NomadIT.

Please note that upcoming communications will be handled primarily by NomadIT using the address – you may need to check your spamfilter/folder for their message and please whitelist that address if possible! Any technical questions related to registration and video upload processes should be sent to them at that address.

Prerecorded talks

We ask that all talks are prerecorded and that you upload the .mp4 video of your presentation before May 7th. Instructions on how to easily record your talk can be found via the Registration and Instructions page. The pre-recorded talks will be played in the scheduled slot in the programme to avoid problems related to internet connectivity, and each talk will be followed by a 5-minute live Q&A session.


Registration is now open: please read our Registration and Instructions page which details the registration and video upload process. After registration you will be sent an invoice with instructions on how to pay your fee of €50. If you work and live in Africa there is no fee but you still need to register. A preliminary programme (subject to change) is available here. Note that your name as author appears in the programme only after you have registered!

Book of abstracts

We are still waiting for onymous abstracts: if you are yet to submit your updated abstract with the names of the author(s), please do so now by sending it to Please also inform us if you cannot present anymore and wish to withdraw your presentation.

International Sign

All presentations in the 5th African Sign Languages workshop at WOCAL and all plenaries will be accessible in International Sign. If you need sign interpretation for any other presentation in the general WOCAL programme, please send that request to: In your message, indicate for which presentations of the main session or non-sign workshops you need an International Sign interpreter. If possible, please do so before May 7, so that we can book interpreters in time. For requests made after May 7, we promise to do our best. If you need any other arrangements regarding interpretation or accessibility more generally, please contact us.

Abstract Submission deadline extendedDélai de soumission des résumés

The 10th World Congress of African Languages and Linguistics will be held at Leiden University from June 7th-12th, 2021. We are currently planning a hybrid event: the conference will be primarily online and all presentations need to be prerecorded and will be broadcast at the times in the programme. We envisage that travelling possibilities will still be limited in June 2021 but participants who can travel to Leiden are welcome to be together with us and have the community feeling attending the event online in Leiden. This is of course also possible in other places in the world. We encourage colleagues to consider participating online in groups at their various locations to promote the physical as well as virtual community togetherness (see below).

Le 10e Congrès Mondial des Langues et Linguistique africaines se tiendra à l’Université de Leyde du 7 au 12 juin 2021. Nous sommes actuellement en train d’organiser un événement hybride: la conférence sera principalement en ligne et tous les exposés doivent être préenregistrés et seront diffusés par l’ordre dans le programme. Nous envisageons que les possibilités de voyage seront encore limitées en juin 2021, mais les participants qui peuvent voyager à Leyde sont les bienvenus pour nous et ils auront le sentiment de la communauté. Ceci est naturellement également possible pour d’autres parts dans le monde. Nous encourageons nos collègues à participer en ligne dans des groupes sur différents sites afin de promouvoir l’ensemble de la communauté physique et virtuelle (voir ci-dessous).

Changes in the meeting datesModification des dates de réunion

Originally we reserved June 8-11th for the actual conference. In order to allow more flexibility and run the event online, we will spread the programme over the whole week, June 7th -11th.  
We will try to take into account, as much as possible, participation from different time zones and we will concentrate presentations in the afternoon and early evening Leiden (CET) time.

Nous avions tout d’abord réservé du 8 au 11 juin pour la conférence. Afin de permettre plus de flexibilité et d’organiser l’événement en ligne, nous étalerons le programme sur toute la semaine, du 7 au 11 juin.
Nous essaierons de prendre en compte, autant que possible, la participation de différents fuseaux horaires et nous concentrerons les présentations dans l’après-midi et en début de soirée, heure de Leyde (CET).

Deadline extensionDélai de la date limite

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the general sessions and for the workshops (EasyChair link here) has been extended until December 21st, 11:59 pm CET.  
The date for the  notification of acceptance has also been moved to February 14th, 2021.

La date limite de soumission des résumés pour les sessions générales et pour les ateliers (lien EasyChair ici) a été prolongée jusqu’au 21 décembre, 23h59 CET.
La date de notification d’acceptation a également été déplacée au 14 février 2021.

FeesFrais d’inscription

The online conference will be free of charges for participants based in Africa; the fee for others will be 50 EUR. Participants attending in person in Leiden will pay a small additional fee to cover costs for coffee/tea, snacks etc.

La conférence en ligne sera gratuite pour les participants basés en Afrique; les frais pour les autres seront de 50 EUR. Les participants qui seront présents à Leyde en personne paieront un petit supplément pour couvrir les frais de café / thé, collations, etc.

WOCAL hubs around the worldHubs pour WOCAL dans le monde

We encourage our colleagues to organise local hubs parallel to the Leiden one to share internet connectivity and join the online WOCAL event as remote groups. If you are interested in organising a local hub at your university or institution, we welcome you to get in touch with us at We can provide an official invitation letter if required by your home institution to support the organization of the hub.

Nous encourageons nos collègues à organiser des hubs locaux parallèles à celui de Leyde pour partager la connectivité d’Internet et rejoindre le WOCAL en ligne comme les groupes distants. Si vous souhaitez organiser un hub local dans votre université ou institution, nous vous invitons à nous contacter à Nous pouvons fournir une lettre d’invitation officielle si elle est nécessaire par votre institution pour soutenir l’organisation du hub.

2nd Call for papers (closed): ENG | FR

1st Call for papers (closed): ENG | FR

Call for papers (closed): African Sign languages workshop